Click here to download a .pdf of the Spring/Summer 2025 line-up of classes.
Click here to download a calendar of the Spring/Summer 2025 line-up of classes.
Spring/Summer 2025
7. Urban Farming
Jan and Mary are seasoned gardeners now living in town who grow a large portion of their food. They will cover ‘elder friendly’ gardening in small spaces and problem solving issues such as critters, poor soil, managing sun and shade, and double cropping. Growing your own food is inflation-proof, environmentally friendly, and healthy exercise.
Presenters: Jan Erdman and Mary Marin
Coordinator: Margy Hagaman (715) 309-8030
Tuesday: March 4 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
8. Wild Mushrooms: A Bountiful Harvest Last Year!
Last year was the best mushroom season in decades! Take a journey around the state to see the incredible diversity our forests have to offer. From tasty edibles to deadly killers, we had it all. Learn some basic mushroom identification skills and how to identify mushroom habitat in your area. This could be the year that you harvest your own edible mushrooms from the bountiful forests of Wisconsin. Get out there and find a mushroom!
Presenter: Tavis Lynch
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Wednesday: March 5 1:30 -3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
9. Menomonie (High School) Field House Fitness Tour
Join the fun at the Menomonie Field House! For an annual fee of $50, you can swim, take cardio and aquatics classes, and use the weight, cardio, and fitness rooms as well as the gym for open recreational purposes. Matt Riley will give a tour and discuss the program options. NOTE: You do not need to reside in the Menomonie School District to be eligible to join.
Presenter: Matt Riley, Director of Athletics, Activities, & Community Ed
Coordinator: Joan Jepsen-Burger (484) 657-4443
Thursday: March 6 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Menomonie High School Field House, 220 13th Ave E
Park and enter through the doors on the south side of the high school building.
10. 11,000 Years in an Hour- Frank’s last talk to us
It can be difficult to keep the Indigenous history of an area clear. Our education mashes different nations together and often relegates Indigenous people to the past. We’ll trace some thru-lines and important turning points in what’s now northern Wisconsin to create a cohesive timeline. We will celebrate Frank with cake and coffee, too.
Join us and with Frank well.
Presenter: Frank Smoot
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Thursday: March 6 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
11. Foreign Affairs
We will view one Foreign Affairs Policy Association Great Decision 2025 DVD each week and discuss the topics. Because the topics are written and recorded in November 2024, we will view all eight topics
in the Spring Term. Topic, date and leaders are:
March 7 American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads Dennis Spader
March 14 US Changing Leadership of the World Economy Steve Hogseth
March 21 International Cooperation on Climate Change MelanieYager
March 28 US – China Relations Jeanette Daines & Dr. Xuedong Ding
April 4 The Future of NATO and European Security Steve Brown
April 11 AI and American Security Howard Lee & Dr. Yuan Xing & AI Club Members
April 25 India: Between China, the West, and the Global South
Suzanne Gaines
May 2 After Gaza: American Policy in the Middle East Lynn Shaw
Coordinator: Howard D. Lee (715) 235-8841
Fridays: March 7,14,21,28, April 4, 11, 25, May 2 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center, 1412 6th Street E
12. Adventure of a Lifetime in Kenya
Lions, giraffes and hippopotami, Oh My! On a 16-day trip, former Wisconsin educators traveled to Kenya to build a water well for Maasai villagers. Things didn’t go as planned, and what resulted was an adventure of a lifetime! It included seeing magnificent animals in the wild, eating unusual foods, and establishing new friendships. The group returned with tales of chaotic traffic, a hotel on a mountaintop, historic sites to see, and more.
Presenter: Renee Howarton
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Wednesday: March 12 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
13. Aging in Place: Senior Housing Options
Have you explored housing options? There are many options other than living in your own home while still aging in or near the community where you have lived. We will explore regional possibilities in Western Wisconsin and the Twin Cities area. Each state has different definitions but similar options to age in place whether our health changes, we lose a life partner, or just don’t want to maintain a house anymore. Learn some of the options. This program is co-sponsored by at the Dunn County ADRC.
Presenters: Lisa Riley from Eau Claire County Aging and Disability Resources Center (ADRC) and Beckie Lueck, Manager of the Senior LinkAge Line in Minnesota
Coordinator: Margy Hagaman (715) 309-8030
Wednesday: March 12 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
14. Moving Day
Where will our next move be? As we age, moving to a new place is often desirable—and often necessary. Many issues surround such a move—prior planning, maintaining our agency, managing our thoughts and feelings, relating to those who are helping us in this transition, and adjusting to the new place we will call home.
Presenter: Judy Schindler
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Thursday: March 13 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
15. Chair Yoga: Breathe, Stretch, and Restore
Discover the power of effective breathing techniques, engage in gentle seated yoga postures, and experience guided meditation. These practices are thoughtfully designed to calm your mind, sharpen your focus, and cultivate a positive mindset.
Presenter: Tina Tharp, Community Engagement Specialist at Mayo Clinic Health System and Registered Yoga and Group Fitness Instructor
Coordinator: Howard D. Lee (715) 235-884
Thursday: March 13 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center, 1412 6th Street E
16. Maple Sugaring Demonstration
The art of collecting sap and creating sugar and syrup originates with the Native Americans. Take a short walk on a local Menomonie/Boyceville woodlot to observe, learn, and taste maple sap “tree side,” as well as the finished product – sap in syrup and sugar form. The process of sugaring, including folklore, will be shared. Bring your sweet tooth, as tasting is a big part of this experience. Limit 30 per session. Sign up for one session only.
Presenter: Ed Burger
Coordinator: Joan Jepsen-Burger (484) 657-4443
Tuesday: March 18 (A) 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Tuesday: March 18 (B) 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Joan & Ed Burger’s property, N8978 County Rd F Boyceville
17. 3-D Printing is for Everyone!
Explore the fundamentals of 3D printing machines and materials and learn how additive manufacturing techniques create unique and complex products. Free online catalogs of pre-designed parts are available to get started and will keep you excited about what to print next. Two machines will be demonstrated. Sample “prints” and various materials will be on hand for display and discussion. Take a sneak peak at for ideas. Opportunities are endless!
Presenter: Paul Mommsen
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Tuesday: March 25 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
18. Find out What’s Happening in the Middle East from Cathy Sultan
What’s happening in the MIddle East from Cathy Sultan: The Middle East is on fire; the Genocide in Gaza continues; Natanyahhu insists on Israeli control from the River to the Sea; Fighting on the Israeli-Lebanese border intensifies; Iran retaliates from outside attacks, Yemen’s unyielding support for the Gazans continues, and Syria is now in the hands of Al Qaeda/ISIS and may never recover as a country.
Presenter: Cathy Sultan
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Wednesday: March 26 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
19. What Does the Civil Air Patrol Do?
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is the Air Force Auxiliary for ages 12-112! Learn about the history of CAP, as well as their Aerospace Education, emergency services, and Cadet Program Missions. An unrecognized force when disaster strikes, the Civil Air Patrol consists of volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives and shaping futures by teaching young people to help adults in assisting their neighbors during catastrophes. CAP also promotes aerospace, aviation, and STEM ciriculums in our schools.
Presenter: Capt. Kristin Walukas
Coordinator: Elizabeth Spader (715) 235-7003
Thursday: March 27 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
20. Cooking with Monica: Add Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes
to your Daily Routine
Inflammation is one of two factors that greatly contribute to aging. Monica will inspire you to add more of anti-inflammatory foods into your dishes with new recipes such as Turmeric & Honey Elixir; Nutty & Fresh Feta Salad with a citrus-honey dressing; Honey-Turmeric Pomegranate Oatmeal; Burdock Root and Miso Soup; Spring Rolls with Celery, Asparagus & Veggies; and Turmeric & Ginger Chia Pudding with Fresh Berries. Enjoy samples and take home a recipe packet. Limit 50
Presenter: Monica Nichols
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Monday: March 31 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center cafeteria, 1412 6th St. E
Cost: $15
21. Elephant in the Room: A Conversation About Palliative Care and
Join us for a compassionate and enlightening class where we tackle the often-avoided but deeply important conversations about palliative care and hospice. This class is designed to help individuals and caregivers better understand their options, make informed decisions and approach these topics with confidence and grace. (Note time.)
Presenters: Adoray, Home Health and Hospice Care, Jessica Wayne R.N. ; Mayo and Carla Berscheit; Dementia care Specialist, ADRC
Coordinator: Claudeen Oebser (715) 874-6054
Wednesday: April 2 10:00 a.m.- Noon
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
22. How to Preserve your Historic Items at Home
Join Director Melissa Kneeland at the Dunn County Historical Society to learn tips about how to preserve your historic items at home. This includes photos, clothing, and paper documents. Also, learn how to consider which of your items might be a good fit for your local (or not so local) historical society. Limit 20
Presenter: Melissa Kneeland
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Wednesday: April 2 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
Cost: $10
23. Seeds of Change: Creating Pollinator Havens and Restoring
Prairies in Dunn County
Native pollinators have declined precipitously. Find out how to support these important insects on your property. Learn how to create diverse pollinator habitats and prairie restoration in rural Wisconsin. We’ll cover practical tips on pollinator-friendly plantings and explore available funding opportunities. Discover the essential steps in establishing and maintaining a thriving prairie. Whether you’re a landowner, farmer, or nature enthusiast, this talk will equip you with the knowledge to restore native ecosystems and boost biodiversity where you live.
Presenter: Madlen Kobs, Farm Biologist, USDA
Coordinator: Joan Jepsen-Burger (484) 657-4443
Thursday: April 3 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
24. Volunteering: What’s in it for Me?
We all know the benefits of volunteerism for both the recipients and fhose offering acts of kindness. Did you know that volunteering also provides health benefits to the volunteer as well? Learn how incorporating volunteerism into your life can increase your physical, mental, and social well-being while also benefiting individuals in your community. We will also explore volunteer opportunities that are available at Mayo Clinic Health System right here in Menomonie.
Presenter:Lisa Lockie, Volunteer Services, Menomonie Mayo Clinic Health System
Coordinator: Howard D. Lee (715) 235-8841
Monday: April 7 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center, 1412 6th Street
25. Boost your Health with a 5-Minute Daily Wellness Routine
What if you could boost your health with a 5-minute daily wellness routine? We all want to live as healthy as possible, but in our busy world making time for our health has become challenging. Join us to learn how to use natural supports (supplements, essential oils, herbs and nutrition) to simplify a health routine in order to look and feel your best. We will focus on nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress, cognition, and energy.
Presenter: Michelle Caron
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Wednesday: April 9 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
26. The Patagonian Wilderness and Beyond
Enjoy a photo-filled presentation of the Patagonian Wilderness and Beyond. Beyond meaning from Rapa Nui to Cape Horn as we crossed the Chilean border four times. JoAnn will share another Overseas Adventure Travel trip that took her face to face with the Moai, the winds of Patagonia, the gauchos of the Steppe, and a boat ride down Glacier Alley. Along the way they met and dined with local people and discussed controversial topics to see the other side. Finally, learn why you never say the F-word in Argentina!
Presenter: JoAnn Parks
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Wednesday: April 9 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
27. AmeriCorps Seniors – Getting Things Done for America!
Learn about two AmeriCorps Seniors programs, the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP). Both programs offer rich volunteer service opportunities for individuals 55 and older. Every year, AmeriCorps matchs over 143,000 AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers with service opportunities offered by our partner organizations. Captain Kristin Walukas will explain more about AmeriCorps Seniors core programs and answer your questions regarding it.
Presenter: Capt. Kristin Walukas
Coordinator: Elizabeth Spader (715) 235-7003
Thursday: April 10 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
28. Tour Season’s Harvest Greenhouse and Garden Center
Season’s Harvest is a full service retail greenhouse and garden center with a deep selection of exceptional plant varieties, annuals perennials, vegetables, and herbs. Owner and operator Joshua Bergman will give us a 30 to 45 minute tour of his operation. Limit 10 per session. Sign up for one session only
Presenter: Joshua Bergman
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Friday: April 11 (A) 1:00 – 1:45 p.m
Friday: April 11 (B) 2:00 – 2:45 p.m.
Wednesday: April 16 (C) 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday: April 16 (D) 11:00 – 1145 a.m..
E5345 Country Road D, 4.6 Miles North of Walmart on State Road 25
29. Draw a Personal Mandala
Explore Mandala Designs as cultural and universal symbols. Create a Mandala Design on artist quality paper with drawing media. Bring along a handful of small objects that have interest for you or hold a memory such as jewelry, gadgets, found objects in nature, etc. Use these as a point of reference for design inspiration and to bring personal meaning to your drawing. Techniques in composition and drawing will be demonstrated to guide the process. All supplies will be provided.
Limit 20
Presenter: Jan Theberge
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Wednesday: April 16 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
Cost: $25
30. Spine Health and Interventional Therapy for Chronic Back Pain
Dr. Butler will cover spinal health and wellness with specific topics including disease prevention, bone health, sleep hygiene and nutritional recommendations for a healthy back. He will discuss interventional therapy for chronic back pain, specifically focusing on radiofrequency ablation and minimally invasive lumbar decompression to treat pain from arthritis and spinal stenosis. A great session especially those experiencing spine challenges and chronic back pain.
Presenter: Dr. Casey S. Butler, MD Mayo Health System
Coordinator: Howard D. Lee (715) 235-8841
Thursday: April 17 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center, 1412 6th Street E
31. Carnival Antique Tin Toys
My name is Glen Edberg, and I will be showing my collection of antique, metal carnival toys. I have about thirty or more of them. The oldest dates back to about 1898, but most are from the 1920’s through the mid 1950’s. The majority of them are wind up and remain in good operational condition. The first one I got was a Christmas gift, I was four-years-old. I’m now 77.
Presenter: Glen Edberg
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Thursday: April 17 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Roa8
32. Explore the Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
Bhutan is an ancient kingdom nestled in the Himalayas just to the south of Tibet and east of Nepal. Its borders remained closed to the outside world until 1974. Mountain beauty, typical Bhutanese architecture, traditional dress, and an integral Buddhist faith combine to create an otherworldly travel experience. Join me as I relive one of my most meaningful and favorite travel adventures.
Presenter: Kathy Flory
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Tuesday: April 22 10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
33. Fused Glass Channel (Cracker) Tray or Condiment Dishes
Make a fused glass cracker tray or condiment dishes. Choose your project when you arrive. You’ll start with a clear base and then add plenty of colored glass to create fun designs for a medium 11×3” serving tray or trio of 3×3” condiment dishes with an option to add additional projects for a small fee as time permits. Learn basic tips and tricks for fusing glass. Materials and tools provided along with Josephine firing it at her studio. Pick up finished pieces two weeks after the class at Dragon Tales Bookstore..Limit 20
Presenter: Josephine Geiger
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Wednesday: April 23 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
Cost: $35 for one project. As time permits, make more for $15 material and firings fee per project.
34. Fused Glass Fun
Make a fused glass artwork in a fun and casual setting – no experience needed! Choose your project when you arrive, starting with a clear base and adding plenty of colored glass to create fun designs: nightlight, candle holder, shallow dish, soap dish, pair of coasters, or a sun-catcher. Josephine will bring all the materials and tools, then take the projects to her studio and fire it into a beautiful work of art for you. Pick up finished pieces 2-3 weeks after class at the Dragon Tales Bookstore. Limit 20
Presenter: Josephine Geiger
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Wednesday: April 23 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
Cost: $30 for one trio. Make more for $5 material and firings fee each.
35. The Wilderness Next Door: Exploring the Boundary Waters Canoe
The million-acre Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) is the largest tract of wilderness east of the Rocky Mountains. The presenters will share their love of this wild country and many experiences through all four seasons with friends, family, and alone. Learn to explore the area
from wilderness campsites, campgrounds, a bunkhouse, or historic lodge. Swap stories, shoulder a Duluth pack, or an ultralight canoe. Discover ways to access the BWCA throughout our lifespan.
Presenters: Rich Boardman and Lucianne Boardman, YMCA Camp DuNord Family Resource Staff; Barb Flom, Girl Scout Outdoor Trainer
Coordinator: Kathy Campbell (715) 559-4149
Thursday: April 24 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
36. Local News – Where We Are and Where We Are Going
Picture a community where everyone is informed, engaged, and connected — a place where facts matter and reliable information is at your fingertips. This is the vision of our non-profit, community-led, online, independent news initiative, Menomonie News Net, that began publishing weekly in November, 2024, after two years of meetings, study and fund raising by a group of area residents. Find out what’s next.
Presenter: Becky Kneer, Menomonie News Net Advisory Board, co-editor
Coordinator: Pat Eggert (715) 308-5357
Thursday: April 24 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
37. Tour the Wastewater Utility
Back by popular demand! Any city resident who flushes a toilet or uses a sink should take this highly informative, interesting, and surprisingly odor-free tour. The plant collects and converts 1.5 million gallons of wastewater per day. Learn how your wastewater is treated and cleaned to EPA standards. You will see how the plant is operated and maintained, how the wastewater system is monitored, and how outside sources can influence the plant’s operation. You will encounter uneven terrain and need to climb stairs. Limit 10 per session. Sign up for one session only.
Presenter: Paul Sterk, Superintendent Wastewater Utility
Coordinator: Mark Quilling (651) 772-9398
Monday: May 5 (A) 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Monday: May 5 (B) 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Wastewater Utility, 620 11th Avenue W
38. Discover the Wonderful World of Ebikes/Etrikes
Bicycle Larry from the Recycle Bike Shop will share in-sites on the world of Ebikes and Etrikes. He will explore the benefits of cycling, places to ride, health benefits, and the economics of cycling. Moreover, he will guide you on how to choose an affordable and reliable ebike(s)/etrike(s). He will explain the mechanical and technical support: the parts of an electric assist cycle: the regular care and maintenance of the bikes: plus state and city regulations. To top it off, you have the opportunity to ride a stationary ebike!
Presenters: Larry Theberge, Recycle Bike Shop
Coordinator: Marilyn Hagen (715) 210-0073
Wednesday: May 7 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
39. Cooking with Monica: Balance Fresh Coastal Ingredients
with Sweet Spices to Create Harmonious Mexican Flavors
Learn how to use the techniques common in coastal Mexican cooking to tantilize your taste buds with a mixture of fruits, cinnamon and vanilla spices, and seafood. Monica will share an overview of how you may use grilling, marinating, and fresh herbs to make delicious dishes such as Coastal Shrimp Tacos with Mango Salsa, Veracruz-style Fish, Coconut and Lime Chicken Ceviche, and Mexican Cinnamon & Vanilla Rice Pudding. Sample some and take home a recipe packet.Limit 50
Presenter: Monica Nichols
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Monday: May 12 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center cafeteria, 1412 6th St. E
Cost: $15
40. Create a Beaded Wall Hanging
Embellish small pieces of driftwood with a variety of beads (glass, ceramic, metal, wood, and shell). The material will be provided for two small mobiles or one large mobile. If you have something you might want to include, bring it along. Pictures are available at Limit 20
Presenters: Chris Oest and Cheryl Gust
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Wednesday: May 14 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
Cost: $22
41. Meet Kidney Donor Athlete, Cara!
Cara Syth donated a kidney and qualified for the Boston Marathon within months of each other. At the age of 37, Cara was determined to become healthier and stronger and began running. During this time, her friend inspired her “why not?” attitude to donate a kidney. Listen to Cara’s journey of training, surgery, recovery, and marathon achievements. She has compiled a long list of races, including the New York Marathon and London Marathon. Cara’s enthusiastic delivery and personality project her “can do” motivation.
Presenter: Dr. Cara Syth, OB/GYN, Mayo, Menomonie & Eau Claire
Coordinator: Marilyn Hagen (715) 210-0073
Thursday: May 15 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
42. Tour the Covia Sand Plant
Back by popular demand! Take a fascinating tour of Covia Sand Plant. Covia mines several grades of high-purity quartz sand, with only one grade being regularly sold for use in glass production. The purity of their high-quality sand makes Covia an industry leader. See how the sand is extracted from the ground and cleaned and separated into its different components. Learn about the changes at Covia since first opening and about the land reclamation process currently taking place. Limit 15 per session. Sign up for one session only.
Presenter: Carter Boswell, Plant Manager
Coordinator: Mark Quilling (651) 772-9398
Thursday: May 15 (A) 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Friday: May 23 (B) 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Covia Sand Plant, N5628 580th Street
43. Change of Venue for a Mock Trial Staged by High School Students
Criminology students from St. Croix Central High School will stage a mock trial using CVLR members as the jury. The teacher Mr. Buckel serves as presiding judge and the students as the prosecuting and defense attorneys. The mock trial is based on a fictitious but realistic case and includes opening statements, presentation of testimonial and physical evidence, and closing arguments (all prepared by the students). The jury deliberates to reach a verdict, announcing the verdict to finish the trial. NOTE: time frame and location
Presenters: Chris Buckel and Criminology students from St. Croix Central School District
Coordinator: Marilyn Hagen (715) 210-0073
Tuesday: May 20 9:30 – 1130 a.m.
Dunn County Judicial Center 815 Stokke Pkwy
44. Paint Watercolor Miniatures
Watercolor painting is a popular technique among artists of all ages and skill levels due to the forgiving nature and opportunity for experimentation. You will paint miniature samplers on artist quality watercolor paper experimenting in watercolor technique. Subject categories such as landscape, clouds, water, floral, architecture, and more will be explored. All supplies will be provided. Limit 20
Presenter: Jan Theberge
Coordinator: Joyce Robbins (715) 931-7611
Wednesday: May 21 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
Cost: $25
45. Tour Menomonie’s Cardinal Glass Factory
Back by popular demand! Take an interesting and informative tour of Menomonie’s Cardinal Glass Factory (now Cardinal FG). Cardinal leads the industry in residential glass production. Learn the fascinating processes by which “float glass” is made and its applications for residential windows and doors. You may look inside the glass-melting furnace, which gets hot! NOTE: This is a walking tour, and we do a lot of it. You will climb stairs and not have a place to sit and rest once the tour starts. Limit 24 Sign up for one session only.
Presenter: Jan Witt, Quality Assurance Representative
Coordinator: Mark Quilling (651) 772-9398
Wednesday: May 28 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Cardinal Glass Factory (Cardinal FG), 2200 Stokke Parkway
46. Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants
Soil health has recently received national recognition for potentially solving some of our world climate issues. Soil health can also make a difference in your own garden’s yield, planting costs, and soil erosion prevention. What exactly is soil health? How do you achieve a healthy soil? Learn about soil health, how to improve your property’s soil health, and what it can mean for long-term sustainability.
Presenter: John Sippl, District Conservationist, USDA
Coordinator: Joan Jepsen-Burger (484) 657-4443
Wednesday: May 28 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
47. The Blue Trunk Author Ann E. Lowry Shares her Story
Expanding upon the life of a relative in her past, Ann Lowry weaves a novel that “offers humor, sharp social commentary, startling twists, and a satisfying conclusion” according to Kirkus Blue Star Review. Like a sister to Sharon, Ann Lowry is Sharon Lowry’s first cousin. She released her novel, The Blue Trunk, last year and will share her fascinating story with you. She was featured on NPR last year and requested to present by a CVLR member.
Presenters: Ann E. Lowry
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Wednesday: June 4 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
48. Tour an Ethanol Plant in Boyceville
Big River Resources, LLC formed as a cooperative in 1992 with fuel and feed production objectives. It has grown into a holding company with four subsidiaries producing a combined total of 190 million gallons of ethanol annually. Learn about the operation of the plant, the interesting way by which corn is processed into ethanol, why many feel corn ethanol is critical for a clean energy future, and why ethanol is a cleaner burning fuel. This is an indoor/outdoor tour with steps to navigate, and the facility is warm in places. Limit 20
Presenter: Brian Kieffer, Plant Manager
Coordinator: Mark Quilling (651) 772-9398
Monday: June 9 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Big River Resources, LLC, N10185 370th Street, Boyceville
49. Cooking with Monica: Refresh your Summer Menus by
Featuring Melons in Fresh Ways
Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and even specialty melons like Pepino or Kiwano offer versatility in both savory and sweet dishes, and are nutritious and hydrating. Monica will show you the basics of cutting, peeling, and deseeding melons efficiently plus how to use melon balls and pickled melon rinds. Learn how to make Air Fryer Grilled Watermelon, Melon Salad with Mint and Feta, Melon Sorbet, Melon and Prosciutto Skewers, Grilled Chicken Tacos with Melon Salsa, and Melon Margaritas. Enjoy samples and take home a recipe packet. Limit 50
Presenter: Monica Nichols
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Monday: June 16 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center cafeteria, 1412 6th St. E
Cost: $15
50. How to Be Psychic
Have you ever wanted to have contact with the spirits of loved ones, work with energy and healing, or know how to meditate and use crystals and stones? TV presenter and renown psychic Adrian Lee will deliver his famous psychic development class. His presentations are interactive and fun, and he uses his twenty-five years of experience from all over the world to improve your metaphysical skills whether you are a complete beginner or more experienced.
Presenter: Adrian Lee
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Thursday: June 19 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum, 1820 John Russell Road
51. KKK Women in the Menomonie Area
In the xenophobic atmosphere of the 1920s and 1930s, Ku Klux Klan activity spiked in Wisconsin and gave rise to Women’s Klan #1, the Grey Eagles of Chippewa Falls. For every minute spent upholding Prohibition and blocking Catholic Al Smith’s path to the White House, they raised funds for their order and helped neighbors in need. Find out the complex legacy of these woman who struggled to balance their noble intentions against the malicious ideology of the Klan.
Presenter: John Kinville
Coordinator: Howard Lee (715) 235-8841
Monday: July 7 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Shirley Doane Senior Center, 1412 6th Street E