Access the layout for Menomonie registration here

Access the layout for Eau Claire registration here

Access the mail-in registration form here.

In-person Registration Is Wednesday, February 19!

at the Russell J. Rassbach Heritage Museum in Menomonie and The Florian Gardens in Eau Claire.


Steps to Register for Spring/Summer Classes and Trips

1. Do not renew your membership if you renewed it last fall. If you need to renew it, check out page 31.

2. Select the classes and trips that you want and list them in order of priority in preparation for in-person registration.

3. Attend in-person registration in particular to sign up for trips, classes with fees, and any classes that have limits.

4. Write a separate check for each class with a fee or trip before attending in-person registration.  Having your check ready speeds up the process at in-person.

5. Split your sign up for trips and classes with fees with another CVLR member at in-person registration. That way you are both more likely to get the offerings you want. Use that person’s membership  number and name when registering for him or her.

6. Print out the map from and review the layout of registration to determine your course of action at in-person registration.

7. Register in person Wednesday, February 19.

8. Mail your registration as soon as possible. If you don’t attend in- person registration, mail your registration.To sign up for offerings with  limits, contact Elizabeth the day after in-person either by phone or email.




Before You Get to In-person Registration

If you are a new member or need to renew your membership, either send in your membership renewal at least a week before registration to Elizabeth whose address is on the membership renewal form or come early to registration and do so on site. Membership opens at 9:00 a.m. at both locations.

Before registration, select your classes and list them in order of priority for you. When you are allowed into the room to sign up at in-person registration, plan to stand at the table with the sign-up sheets for your number one priority class first.

Have your checks for any classes or trips with fees ready when you walk into registration. Put the class/trip number and your member number on the check.

Access the map. For both cities, we have planned where the sign-up sheets for each offering will be placed and created a map showing their location. You can access these maps on thiis page of   Find it at the top of this page and print it out. Use it to discover where your priority classes/trips are located and plan your sign-up. We will also have them available at the door at registration.

Sign up for classes you know you will attend. If others interest you and you find later that you are able to attend, watch for “These classes next week have openings” e-mail and respond to it. If the class has a limit and you do not show up, you have taken the spot of someone else who really wanted to take the class.

If You Cannot Attend In-person Registration…

If you want to take a class with limits and cannot attend in-person registration February 19, Elizabeth will send out an email early Thursday morning February 20 as to which offerings with limits have openings. Either call her or email her at (715) 874-5633 or (715) 828-0768 or to reserve an open seat in a limited class that you want. First calls get the seats. Then you may send your check, if a check is necessary. Registrations for offerings with limits will not be accepted by mail.




Procedure at In-person Registration February 19

The doors open at 9:00. Once you are in the building, get in line for admission to the registration tables. If you have difficulty standing, we have a place for you to sit and will hold your place in line. Just ask.

We will be letting members into the room to stand in line at the table for their top priority class/trip at 9:30 a.m. If you think the line for your number one selection is too long and you don’t think you can get into the class/trip, go to the second one on your list. As soon as everyone has lined up in an orderly fashion, we will start sign up, anywhere between 9:30 and 9:45. Do not start sign up until those manning the sign-up sheets in front of you say that you may do so. Registration ends at 10:30 a.m.


Important Information about Classes with Limits

Register at either the Menomonie or Eau Claire in-person registration location for the entire line-up of classes and trips. Split the classes/trips with limits with a buddy who also wants to attend them. You get in one line, and your buddy gets in the other. Then you sign up for each other.

Remember classes with limits are split half to Menomonie and half to Eau Claire. For example, if a class has a limit of 30, 15 sign-ups will be available at in-person registration in Menomonie and 15 will be available in Eau Claire. Plan your sign-up accordingly.

If you do not get into a limited offering, sign up on its yellow Overflow Sheet. These sheets are to handle a situation where one location receives more than its limit in sign-ups and the other has fewer. In that case we use the names on the Overflow Sheet to fill the openings from the location that did not reach its limit. If a fee is required for the class, leave your check with the Overflow Sheet. You will be informed within a week if you are in the class or not. If you are not, your check will be returned.