Click here to download a .pdf of the Spring/Summer 2025 line-up of classes.

Click here to download a calendar of the Spring/Summer 2025 line-up of classes.

Click here to download a copy of the parking brochure for the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.



Spring/Summer 2025
Eau Claire

55. Booked for Adventure: An Insider’s (L.E. Phillips) Library Tour
Join us for a library tour where not everything you’ll find is on the surface. Did you know that you can check out cake pans and snow shoes? How do librarians choose which books to buy? How has the design of libraries changed? We’ll tour the entire 70,000-square-foot library from top to bottom, including staff spaces not open to the public, and have plenty of time for questions. Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. Note the special time frame. Limit 50
Presenter: Nancy Kerr, Library Director Coordinator: Joan Jepsen-Burger (484) 657-4443
Wednesday: March 5 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street



56. Backyard Birdwatching
Come to Beaver Creek Reserve to learn about birding in your own backyard and Beaver Creek’s Avian Monitoring Program. We will discuss attracting birds to your yard, identifying feeder birds, the best times to watch, and more. The Avian Field Technician will also lead you through the many volunteer opportunities that Beaver Creek Reserve offers including songbird banding, Eastern Bluebird nest box monitoring, and Northern Saw-whet owl banding. Weather permitting, you may observe a demonstration of the songbird banding program. Limit 30 per session. Sign up for one session only.
Presenter: Claire Molina, Avian Field Technician
Coordinator: Joan Jepsen-Burger (484) 657-4443
Monday: March 17 (A) 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday: March 19 (B) 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Beaver Creek Reserve S1 County Highway K, Fall Creek



57. Intention and Attention: Cultivating Awareness to Help You Focus on What Matters
This experiential session explores mindfulness tools that cultivate present-moment awareness to support focusing attention, managing stress, and growing our capacity for care and compassion. Research indicates that mindfulness practice is helpful in working with emotions and physical pain, as well as improving our relationships with others. This class is a hold-over from last fall so only a very few seats are open. Sign up for those and/or the overflow so that you may replace someone who cannot attend. Available 2
Presenter: Ann Brand, PhD
Coordinator: Amy Alpine (917) 446-5983
Wednesday: March 19 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Unity Christ Church of Eau Claire, 1808 Folsom Street
Cost: $5

Bio: Ann Brand, PhD is an Associate Lecturer in the School of Education at The University of Wisconsin-Stout and Program Specialist for Mindfulness Training for Arts Integration Menomonie (AIM). She holds a doctorate in psychology from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill with an emphasis on child development and families. Ann is an accredited mindfulness teacher through The Mindfulness Training Institute (MTI) and a member of the International Mindfulness Teachers Association. 



58. Gut Health, Inflammation and How It May Accelerate Aging
Registered dietitian Kaelin Maidment will teach us about gut health and inflammation. You’ll gain a deep understanding of how inflammation accelerates the aging and disease process, and the important role that gut health can play in reducing inflammation through nutrition and lifestyle habits.
Presenter: Katelin Maidment, Registered Dietitian
Coordinator: Claudeen Oebser (715) 874-6054
Thursday: March 20 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
LE Philllips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger St, Conference Rooms A&B, lower level



59. Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks form the core of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This diverse and fascinating landscape with thousands of hydrothermal features, majestic mountains, and the largest concentration of wildlife in the lower 48 states is also one of the largest nearly intact temperate zone ecosystems on Earth. Rick will share images, experiences, and information from his dozens of adventures to the area in the last 25 years. Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenter: Rick Koziel
Coordinator: Amy Alpine (917) 446-5983
Tuesday: March 25 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street

Bio: Rick Koziel’s love of the outdoors led him to a career as a naturalist and director of Beaver Creek Reserve for over 35 years where he was able to share his enthusiasm, passion and love for nature and wild things with others. Since retiring he has found more time to look through a lens while hiking and paddling the woods and waters of Wisconsin and the rest of the world.



60. AI – How It’s Changing the World and How You Can Use It
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made major advances in the last five years, moving from obscurity to being a major factor in many areas of life, including business, media, and entertainment. We’ll look at what AI is and isn’t, how it has developed, how it is applied in many areas, ethical issues, and how you can start using AI. A handout with information on how you can access AI tools online will be included.
Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenter: Dr. Paul Wagner, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science, UW-EC
Coordinator: Kathy Campbell (715) 559-4149
Wednesday: March 26 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street



61. Columbia, the Gem of Diversity
“Colombia the gem of the birding world,
The home of the many and the bright,
The shrine of each birder’s devotion,
A world offers homage to thee,
Thy mandates make nature-lovers assemble,
When biodiversity commands the view”
Join ornithologist and ecologist Steve Betchkal as he tours in stories and photos the glorious splendor of South America’s richest natural landscape. Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenter: Steve Betchkal
Coordinator: Kathie Fahrman (715) 563-5116
Tuesday: April 1 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street



62. Great Ideas for Planting Time!
Soon we will be planting our annuals, perennials, vegetables, and herbs. Get great ideas in companion planting for the vegetable garden to both keep pests away and maximize your harvest. Learn some easy step-by-step container gardening, too. We will show you the new perennials and annuals this season, offering some pretty amazing combinations that will make your yard stand out! Gardening is the number one hobby in America, and Angie can’t wait to share her passion with you.
Presenter: Angie Reit, May’s Floral
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Thursday: April 3 1:30 – 3:00 p.m
May’s Floral, 3424 Jeffers Road



63. Create Fused-Glass Sailboat & Bird
Make a fused-glass Sailboat that will be mounted on a short, steel stake and drilled into a 4”-5” walnut round. A votive candle can be used behind the sailboat. Participants will also make a fused-glass Bird that will be mounted on a 12”-16” steel stake. Pick-up: Monday, April 28, 1:30-2:00 p.m. at the L.E. Phillips Senior Center, Thompson Room. Limit 18
Presenter: Jean Romanshek
Coordinator: Kathy Campbell (715) 559-4149
Monday: April 7 1:30 – 3:00 p.m
L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger Street, Thompson Room
Cost: $25 for Sailboat and Bird



64. Her Other Side
Join Eau Claire Women in Theater as they explore some of the untold stories of women. From the perspectives of power, position, and societal norms, ECWIT will portray both humorous and serious tales to leave you with food for thought to accompany your delicious lunch at The Florian Gardens.
Presenters: ecWIT – Eau Claire Women in Theater
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Tuesday: April 8 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The Florian Gardens, 2340 Lorch Avenue
Cost: $35


65. Storytime with Steve & Micah…& Bea, & Cara, & Lexie, & Birdie,
& Fernandina, & Sylvie
No one in Eau Claire history has been nominated for more Emmys than the Eau Claire creative team of Micah Davis and Steve Betchkal. Between them they’ve been nominated 30 times and have won 6 Emmys. How do Micah and Steve & company do it? The eight of us will show you – in words and moving pictures! Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenters: Steve Betchkal & Micah Davis
Coordinator: Kathie Fahrman (715) 563-5116
Tuesday: April 8 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street


66. Chair Yoga
From beginners to experienced yoga, all levels are welcome to join Chair Yoga. During the class, your body will be guided through a series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of postures designed to increase flexibility, balance, range of motion and strength. The restorative breathing exercise along with the final relaxation pose will promote stress reduction and mental clarity. Limit 125
Presenter: Mindy Anderson, Registered Yoga Instructor (RYT-200)
Coordinator: Kathy Campbell (715) 559-4149
Thursday: April 10 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Unity Christ Center Sanctuary, 1808 Folsom Street



67. A Philosopher Looks at Happiness
Dr. Meyer will look at ten different “takes” on avenues to happiness that come primarily from the history of philosophy and contemporary psychology. These ten avenues are: virtue, Stoicism, synthetic happiness, changing one’s mind, avoiding judgment, being in nature, Buddhism, embracing difficulty, reflective wisdom, and hedonism vs. altruism. After briefly discussing these ten, there will be plenty of time for discussion. Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenter: Matthew Meyer, Ph.D.,Associate Prof of Philosophy-UWEC
Coordinator: Michael O’Halloran (715) 563-2702
Monday: April 14 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street


68. Make Fused-Glass Flower Garden Stake
Make a porch pot stake made of weatherproof fused-glass. Choose a color of glass and add a flower design and various embellishments. The glass portion will be approximately 8” tall and 2
1⁄2” wide. Your stake will be fired in Jean’s studio and glued onto a 3 foot steel pole. Pick-up: Monday, April 28, 1:30-2:00 p.m. at the L.E. Phillips Senior Center, Thompson Room. Limit 18
Presenter: Jean Romanshek
Coordinator: Kathy Campbell (715) 559-4149
Monday: April 14 1:30 – 3:00 p.m
L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger Street, Thompson Room
Cost: $25




69. Share your Story through an Artifact from your Past
Come to this session with an object from your childhood: A toy, a tool, a baseball glove, a pair of boots, or a piece of jewelry. If you do not have the actual item, bring a photo or write a description. During this session, we will organize into small groups and you will have an opportunity to tell the story that goes with your artifact. For example, you might have an eggbeater you inherited from your grandmother; the same eggbeater she used when she taught you how to make a cake. Participate in person or via Zoom.
Presenter: Tim Hirsch
Coordinator: Mike Hilger (715) 832-8823
Tuesday: April 15 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger Street, Presto Room and Zoom.



70. What Lies Ahead for Me?
As you approach the end of your life, you may be pondering – what will become of my soul after my body dies? This thought-provoking class will use the world religions to address: What is the soul? From where does it come and when? What is its relationship with my body? What are its capacities? Do I need to develop my soul? Is there an afterlife, a heaven, a hell? How long will my soul exist?
Presenter: Tim Nyseth, long-time student of comparative religion
Coordinator: Elizabeth Fischer (715) 874-5633
Tuesday: April 15 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger Street, Conference Rooms A & B, lower level.


71. This Is My Name: And, I Want to Write it Down Before I Forget It
Barbara Shafer has created an important planning document to track personal likes and dislikes —all the way from grooming to food and favorite TV and music. She will explain how her book came to be and delve into the importance of everyday needs and preferences. A care provider could be in the future for you or a loved one. What should you write down to ensure the best possible caregiving?
Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenter: Barbara Shafer
Coordinator: Amy Alpine (917) 446-5983
Wednesday: April 23 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street

Bio: Barbara Shafer has been a resident of Eau Claire since she and her husband Andy moved in 1968.  She had previously lived in Cincinnati where she completed her MFA in Painting at the University of Cincinnati.  Her BFA in Sculpture is from the Rhode Island School of Design, RISD, having spent her senior year in Rome, Italy as a member of the Rhode Island School of Design European Honors Program.  Once in Wisconsin, she was a lecturer in the Art Programs both at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and Stout.  For 29 years, Barbara was also the Executive Director of The Arc Eau Claire ( Advocating Rights of People with Cognitive Disabilities,) Inc.  Barbara’s passion for dance led her to study with dancers from Chalice Stream, Ladysmith, Wisconsin, which provided her the opportunity to perform at the studio in Ladysmith and at various other venues around the state.  Now in retirement from teaching in the visual arts,  Barbara and Andy have a studio at Banbury Place. She sells her work through 2 Roots Gallery in downtown Eau Claire, and from her studio, Room 219 Building 13f, Banbury.  During the past two years, Barbara and Andy have had two one-person shows at the Heyde Center in Chippewa Falls and at the Pablo Center at the Confluence.  Her work has been seen at the Confluence show, at the Pablo, at the L. E. Phillips Memorial Public Library exhibits: Wisconsin Arts West, Water, and Inside/Out.  Barbara continues teaching modern dance and choreographing for some very dedicated adults.


72. What’s Happening at The YMCA of the Chippewa Valley
Learn what’s happening at the YMCA and its vision for our area. It includes items of concern and areas of excitement and focuses on long-term facility planning. It “answers the call to serve” by finding ways to help our communities grow and flourish through collaboration and meeting people’s needs; championing affordable/accessible childcare, mental health programs/services, and places to grow in community; and taking on an additional location and child care center in 2024.Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenter: Derek White, President and CEO – YMCA of the Chippewa Valley
Coordinator: Holly Hart (715) 456-6811
Monday: April 28 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street



73. Experience Wisconsin through Jim Backus’s Lens
Visit Wisconsin through the discerning eye of Jim Backus & the lens of Magoo Nature Photography’s camera. The main topics will be our beautiful wildlife refuges and flowing grasslands. Despite Jim’s allegiance to Wisconsin, we may even visit a spot in Minnesota!
Presenter: Jim Backus, Magoo Nature Photography
Coordinator: Jim Urness (715) 832-5670
Tuesday: April 29 10:00 – 11:30 a.m
Peace Lutheran Church, 501 E Fillmore Ave. Enter on Nimitz St.side

74. A More Effective and Equitable Justice System
No longer is it “Lock them up and throw away the key”. The Eau Claire County Criminal Justice Services Department collaborates with all department heads, county board members, and community treatment providers to enhance public safety, equity, and efficiency through data- driven strategies and innovative initiatives. It focuses on alternative programming, harm reduction, and person-centered alternatives. By fostering strong partnerships, it delivers solutions that promote positive outcomes and meaningful change.
Presenter: Tiana Glenna, EC Cty Criminal Justice Services Director
Coordinator: Barb Hebert (715) 514-9692
Tuesday: April 29 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger Street, Conference Rooms A & B, lower level.




75. Healthcare in the Chippewa Valley
Healthcare in Western Wisconsin was disrupted when two hospitals and a number of clinics closed a year ago. It is still difficult to get appointments and often there is a shortage of hospital beds in the area. New options are being explored but most people do not know about them. We will discuss options that have developed and possibilities for the future in the Chippewa Valley. Co-sponsored by L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.
Presenters: Robert Krause and Patti Darley from Chippewa Valley Health Cooperative
Coordinator: Margy Hagaman (715) 309-8030
Wednesday: April 30 10:00 – 11:30 a.m
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Riverview Room, Third Floor,
400 Eau Claire Street



76. Hmong Traditional Clothing-A Powerful Legacy
Discover the story told by Hmong clothing. It relates where one lives, one’s clan representation, and the region in which one resides. Traditional Hmong garments feature complex patterns and embroidery with bright, eye-catching colors. Since the Hmong had no form of written language, much of their history was portrayed though textiles and intricate pieces of cloth such as the Story Cloths and Flower Cloths. Pakou Thao will explain examples of these stories.
Presenter: Pakou Thao, (ECAHMAA)
Coordinator: Marilyn Hagen (715) 210-0073
Wednesday: April 30 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger Street, Conference Rooms A & B, lower level.



77. Tour the Historic Waldemar Ager House Museum
Learn about Waldemar Ager and his family, the house they shared, and life in Eau Claire in the early 20th Century. Hear about Ager’s significant contributions to preserving Nordic culture through Reform, the Norwegian language newspaper he edited. The restored Queen Anne-style Ager house is a representation of an 1890s Victorian home in Eau Claire, listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings. Enjoy traditional Scandinavian refreshments. (Main floor is fully accessible with stairs to the 2nd floor.) Limit 20 per tour. Sign up for one tour only.
Presenter: Doug Pearson & Ager Association Members
Coordinator: Sally Felling (715) 704-0937
Thursday: May 1 A 10:00 – 11:30 a.m
Thursday: May 1 B 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday: May 13 C 10:00 – 11:30 a.m
Tuesday: May 13 D 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Ager House Museum, 514 W. Madison Street
Cost: $10




78. Wool Ewe Look at That? A Walk to Talk about Sheep, Wool, and
the Environment
What happens when you mix old pasture land with a heritage breed of sheep? Take a walk on the farm to discuss watersheds and soil health, regenerative agriculture, heritage breeds of sheep, Cotswold history, and uses of wool. Lambing will hopefully be wrapped up, but jumpy cuteness will still be at high levels. Please wear boots or shoes that can be easily cleaned and dress for the weather as this will be an outside, pasture-based farm tour in an uneven terrain. Limit 25
Presenter: Beth Ivankovic
Coordinator: Amy Alpine (917) 446-5983
Tuesday: May 6 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
RAIN DATE Thursday: May 15 1:30-3:00 p.m.
S5001 William Court

Bio: Beth Ivankovic has been a shepherd since 2018 raising Cotswold sheep on the hills south of Eau Claire.  Passionate about the environment, gardening, and raising animals and always looking for ways one can help the other. She is a retired pharmacist married to Slavko. Beth is also a founding business partner for Ewe and Me Wool company which manufactures Woolly Belly Pellets used in gardening.   



79. How Grief and Loss Rewire the Brain and What You Can Do
About it
Grief and loss come in many forms. Whether by the loss of a loved one, illness, injury, divorce, unfulfilled dreams, or another cause, the brain interprets grief as an emotional trauma or PTSD. Learn how grief and loss affect the brain and body, healthy strategies for coping, available resources…and most importantly, rewiring your brain!
Presenter: Lisa Wells, Dementia Care Specialist, EC County ADRC
Coordinator: Claudeen Oebser (715) 874-6054
Wednesday: May 7 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Unity Christ Church of Eau Claire, 1808 Folsom Street




80. The Sonnentag LEEDs the Way for Community Sustainability
Take a walking tour of the Sonnentag Events Center & Fieldhouse–the largest publicly operated university recreational center in the nation that is LEED gold certified. Learn about the sustainability features such as geothermal heating and the community partners involved in making this state-of-the-art facility possible. The tour will take place on the main floor with an option to take the stairs/elevator to the fan deck for a bird’s eye view of the Blugold Basketball/Volleyball Court. Limit 35 per tour. Sign up for one tour only.
Presenter: Lily Strehlow, Sustainability Coordinator, UWEC
Coordinator: Sally Felling (715) 704-0937
Thursday: May 8 A 10:00 – 11:30 a.m
Thursday: May 8 B 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Friday: May 9 C 10:00 – 11:30 a.m
Friday: May 9 D 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Sonnentag Center, 1075 Menomonie Street


81. A look at Pablo Center’s Education Programs STEAM Powered:
Fusing Art and Science for a Brighter Future
Discover the vibrant education programs at Pablo Center! Did you know Pablo hosts three robotics teams and offers art outreach, activity clubs, six weeks of summer classes, Girls Who Code, LEGO Robotics, Odyssey of the Mind and more? Pablo nurtures creativity, innovation, and critical thinking for students K-12. Explore these exciting opportunities and participate in a hands-on art and robotics activity. Learn how Pablo is shaping the next generation of thinkers, creators, and leaders.
Presenter: Mary LaVenture, STEAM Programs Manager
Coordinator: Holly Hart (715) 456-6811
Monday: May 19 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Pablo Center at the Confluence, Riverfront Room


82. Tour Hope Gospel Mission’s New Hope Learning Center
Tour the new Hope Learning Center where residents receive counseling and education to change their lives as they journey in their recovery. Also, learn about new programs and receive an update on the Day Resource Center that will be coming to downtown Eau Claire to provide resources for the growing homeless population.
Presenters: Brett Geboy and Staff
Coordinator: LuAnn Livingston (414) 507-7740
Wednesday: May 21 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Hope Gospel Mission Renewal Center for Men 2650 Mercantile Drive


83. Grace Your Garden with Hydrangeas and Irises
Have the most beautiful hydrangeas and irises in your neighborhood! Master Gardener Jeff Delaney will share his expertise and enthusiasm in growing, pruning, propagating, and placing these flowers in proper locations in your bed. Jeff’s tips will help prevent planting mistakes, offer landscaping ideas, stave off threats to both hydrangeas and irises, and keep them blooming. Bring your specific questions. Limit 25
Presenter: Jeff Delaney, Master Gardener
Coordinator: Marilyn Hagen (715) 210-0073
Tuesday: June 10 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Avalon, 421 Water Street